Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Journeying to Germany!

Step 1 to traveling to Germany: Get out of bed.  For some reason, I found this to be rather difficult this morning.  Maybe because, I  knew that deep in my heart, I didn't really want to leave Ireland. (Although, I wouldn't have minded leaving Dublin to go back to Ennis. I LOVED Ennis.)  Or, it was that I didn't know about traveling to a country where I can't so much as remember how to say Hello or Goodbye.  But somehow, I made it.  I braved the city bus, where the bus driver looked at me like I was an idiot, as I struggled to get my luggage on to the bus.  I made it through Dublin Airport, and its nonsensical way of checking in to your flight, and I even survived the brawl that was queing up to board the plane, only to land and go through Customs without the Germans even asking me so much as my name.  And then I met another city bus driver that looked at me like I was an idiot as I tried to ask him how much in english, and him answering me in German, and neither of us really understanding each other.  This all ended with me getting on a train to Munich and then finally arriving at Munich Hbf.  Luckily, my hostel is right next to the train station, because I'm not sure I could have managed much more.  I had dinner in a beergarten where they serve the beer in LITERs!  And I sat next to two other familys from Texas! Small world, or is Texas really that large?  One of them had even lived in the town I'm from!!! 

Tomorrow, on to the castles of  southern Germany!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you ran into Texans! We're everywhere, apparently! :) Hope all is wonderful in Germany!!!
    -Miriam :)
