Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Cliffs of Moher!!

So I got up early this morning to catch a bus to the Cliffs of Moher.  If you've never heard of it, google it. Seriously.  They are beautiful!!!  Walking up to the cliff's edge definitely makes you wonder why you haven't ever heard of this place before!   

Apparently a part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 was filmed here. I have no idea with scene, but if I had to guess maybe its where they set Shell Cottage? 

I mean really guys.  We are at a place called the CLIFFs of Moher.  Obviously, there would have to actually be cliffs.  And generally cliffs are dangerous because of their edges.....

I quite like this sign.  You can see by how many stickers are on it, that no one really payed attention to it.....

And Neither did I.....

If you went past the sign, you could hike up this trail that brought you pretty close to the edge of the cliffs and made for some pretty awesome pictures without those pesky safety walls getting in the way.  That spot in the left-most part of the picture down at the bottom, yes, that is the cliff edge.  Thats how awesome I am. :)

Till tomorrow and my journey continues in Cork!

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